Tuesday, September 11, 2012

my eportfolio

 we learn in our College thise acadmic communication and we learn many thing on it about computer Internet and many Website like prezi ,gimal , blogger survey monkey ,
thise acadmic communication is good supject to  learn the student how to be fameliar with computer and internet

my first prezi :  about my frind ali

  •   I created new prezi about my friend ali
  • I created the prezi to present my friend to my class
  • I learn how to present any thing i want to talk about it


my second  prezi : about save water to save live

  • i made up prezi about save water
  • i made up these prezi to discuses water problem
  • i learn how too add pic ,   videos in my presentaion

my first blogger about academic comunication
  • i learn from blogger how to present same adrees
  • i learn how i created the blogger very easily
  • i learn how i shared my blogger with people

my second blogger about benifits of prezi

  • how prezi is new sit help you in presanted same addres
  •  how you can add picture
  • how you can add vedio
  • it is new way to present

the last one is survey monkey

  • i learn in thise sit how i make question  
  • how people answer  my question

    In the end of my essay i want too say theta academic communication is very interested subject because it learn as how to be familiar with computers